MarketWatch Covers 2iQ’s Capitol Trades Again and Again

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Earlier this month we shared how MarketWatch’s reporters were using 2iQ’s Capitol Trades dataset to power their journalism – a summary of which can be read here.

No sooner had we published our recap did the financial publication turn to Capitol Trades once again.

In the first of two reports - These U.S. lawmakers rank as the biggest traders of hot stocks like Apple, Tesla and GameStop - reporter Victor Reklaitis takes a deep dive into how congressmen and congresswomen are investing in the stock market. At the heart of this is Capitol Trades data.

One day later saw another report from the same journalist published, this time with analysis of Congress’ crypto traders. Victor Reklaitis enlisted the help of Capitol Trades data to investigate who on Capitol Hill is selling and buying digital currencies.

Under the spotlight were six Republicans and one Democrat, all which Reklaitis analyses in depth after opening his report with:

“Seven lawmakers have disclosed transactions involving cryptocurrency assets that were made in 2021 by themselves or family members, according to an analysis from 2iQ Research’s Capitol Trades, which values the politicians’ purchases and sales by using the midpoint of a transaction’s declared range in financial disclosures.”

See who’s trading on Capitol Hill at