Capitol Trades Used to Explore Congress Member Stock Trades

Whilst this year might be over soon, discussions around the trading activity of US lawmakers and politicians are set to rage on. Capitol Trades and congress member stock trades have consistently featured in the media since our platform launched last year.
This includes our extensive report with The New York Times on the sectors that politicians were commonly trading in. Since the report with The New York Times, and the launch of Capitol Trades’ free-to-use ‘Insights’ page, there has been an increase in journalists using our data.
The Press Analyzes Trades Reported by Capitol Hill Politicians
Benzinga and Markets Insider
Benzinga has featured Capitol Trades’ data prominently in recent months. On October 16, 2022, an article was published by Shanti Rexaline titled "Tesla A Hit With Members Of The US Congress? Lawmakers Buy Heavily On Stock Dip". The report utilizes Capitol Trades’ data to analyze the congressional stock trading of Tesla Inc (TSLA:US).
Capitol Trades data showed considerable interest in the electric vehicle company recently, tracking politicians such as Ro Khanna, Chris Jacobs, and Kathy Manning, who bought the TSLA dip. Among the most notable disclosures was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose husband invested between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 in the stock.
Benzinga published several other articles utilizing Capitol Trades’ data, including "This Senator Recently Purchased These 2 Dividend Paying Stocks In Healthcare Sector" on November 5, 2022. This article, written by Robert Kucsmarski, explored trades made by Senator Thomas Carper shortly after Capitol Trades published Insight on his recent transactions on November 4, 2022.
The Senator disclosed over 30 trades in October, making nearly 600 in the past three years. He is one of the most prolific traders on Capitol Hill, providing valuable insights into what stocks are trending amongst Congress members.
Another recent Benzinga article by Kuczmarski using Capitol Trades’ data featured on Markets Insider, “This US Representative Just Bought Shares Of Airbnb And These 2 Dividend-Paying Stocks”, on November 12, 2022.
This report examined the portfolio of Congressman Josh Gottheimer and his most significant trades on the stock market. He recently violated the STOCK Act, which requires politicians and their family members to disclose their trades within 30 days of receiving notice and 45 days of the transaction date.
TipRanks and Nasdaq
TipRanks Reporter Sheryl Sheth has also utilized Capitol Trades in two articles in November 2022.
Published on November 6, 2022, “Politician’s Picks: Senior Delaware Senator Favors CVS, ABT, TSM Stocks” also explores the high trade volumes of Senator Thomas Carper. In the article, Sheth evaluates whether Carper’s recent trades on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM:US), Abbott Laboratories (ABT:US), and CVS Health (CVS:US) might prove to be profitable investments.
Sheth’s second article was published on November 12, 2022, and featured on Nasdaq’s news site: “Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is Alabama Senator’s Favorite Tech Pick”.
This article analyzes the high trading activity made by Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville on Microsoft Corp (MSFT:US):
“On October 5, the senator sold MSFT stock in the range of $100K to $250K, and on October 13, he bought MSFT stock in the range of $250K to $500K. He also made a smaller purchase of MSFT stock on October 24, in the range of $15K to $50K. On the other hand, Tuberville sold stock options of MSFT on October 28 in the range of $1,000 to $5,000.”
MSFT's share price started rising recently, up by 7% since October 13, when Tuberville first purchased shares.
Washington Examiner
Beyond tracking the surface-level trade activity of US politicians, Capitol Trades data has been the focal point of investigative journalism exploring the problematic trading behavior of politicians and lawmakers.
Gabe Kaminsky, an Investigative Reporter for Washington Examiner, published “Democratic lawmaker overseeing HHS discloses stock buy before agency sent shares flying with massive drug purchase” on November 10, 2022.
Kaminsky examines an intriguingly timed trade made by Rep. Earl Blumenauer’s wife. Blumenauer’s wife purchased up to $15,000 worth of shares from biopharmaceutical company Amgen (AMGN:US) - shortly before the Department of Health and Human Services provided the company with hundreds of millions of dollars. Rep. Blumenauer is on the department’s subcommittee.
This politician was also included in our extensive report with The New York Times on members of Congress who traded stocks in industries they oversaw as part of committees. Kaminsky has also previously utilized Capitol Trades’ data to track the 333-day-late filings made by Senator John Hickenlooper.
Want More Congress Member Stock Trades?
2iQ Research and Capitol Trades provide industry-leading data on insider transactions and Congress trading activity, supported by an extensive library of daily reports and insights from our analysts.
Journalists repeatedly utilize our data to break the news across the globe. Benzinga has featured Capitol Trades’ data several times recently, tracking the investments of:
Wealth Daily also explored the decline of insider buying at large technology companies in Silicon Valley, utilizing 2iQ’s insider transaction data.
For the latest market commentary on politician trading activity and insider transactions, stay tuned to 2iQ’s blog.