Capitol Trades Is in the News Again, This Time in MarketWatch

The press coverage for Capitol Trades keeps coming. MarketWatch is the latest media outlet to turn to Capitol Trades for insight on what’s trading on Capitol Hill.
In its report, U.S. lawmakers traded an estimated #355 million of stock last year. These were the biggest buyers and sellers., journalist Victor Reklaitis explains that “at least 113 lawmakers have disclosed stock transactions that were made in 2021 by themselves or family members, according to a Capitol Trades analysis of discloses and MarketWatch reporting.”, before going into depth on activity in the sector and soundbites from other commentators in the industry.
Everyone behind Capitol Trades is proud of the media recognition and usage that our service is receiving and this latest example shows how seasoned journalists can use Capitol Trades to enhance their own reporting.
Delve into this interesting area of stock market activity by reading how other publications have used Capitol Trades’ politician trading data here in the New York Times and in CNBC.
See for yourself what’s trading on Capitol Hill at