2iQ’s Capitol Trades Data Used in CNBC Report

2iQ’s insight, and that of our recently launched data service, Capitol Trades, is regularly referenced by the world’s media and commentators. The latest publication to do this is CNBC in a report called ‘There’s a growing push in Congress to limit lawmakers’ ability to trade stocks’, published on January 12, 2022.
Journalist Ylan Mui sets the scene with, “Congress often talks tough about reining in Wall Street. But now there’s growing pressure on Capitol hill to curb lawmakers’ own trading.”, before continuing with a deep dive into controversy over financial transactions from senators.
In CNBC’s story, data from 2iQ’s Capitol Trades is discussed, including our analysis of what the most active sectors were over the past year – tech, energy, telecom and media – as well as other analysis uncovered using Capitol Trades.
Since launching in 2021, Capitol Trades has quickly become a trusted source for accurate, enriched data on US politician trades.
The free service enables investors, analysts and anyone with an interest in US politician trading date to search trading data from the last three years using filters like date, politician, stock, political party and more.
More information about Capitol Trades can be found at Business Insider, which wrote about the service last year.
Head to Capitol Trades to see what’s trading on Capitol Hill.